New Suite for Advanced GDI Procedures

Physicians have used endoscopy to diagnose gastrointestinal disorders for decades, using special cameras to examine the inside of the esophagus, stomach and colon. In recent years, endoscopy has been used to treat problems in these areas as well.

Newer, more advanced techniques now let doctors treat early cancers and other disorders of the gastrointestinal tract using endoscopy — avoiding the risks of conventional surgery.

A new dedicated suite at Hartford Hospital allows highly skilled teams to use a specially designed space for these advanced endoscopic procedures. The space is centrally located with specially trained staff including nurses, techs and physicians.

These advanced procedures are available at only a few dozen centers in the country, but Hartford Hospital performs well over 15,000
each year.

Using these techniques in the new dedicated space, complications are reduced, outcomes are equivalent to open surgery and most patients are able to go home the next day.