Year ended 9.30.2018
Current Assets | 2018 | 2017 |
Cash and cash equivalents | 43,909,783 | 26,226,254 |
Interest in investments held by Endowment, LLC | 18,589,558 | 14,169,122 |
Accounts receivable, less allowances | 149,935,863 | 145,819,996 |
Other receivables | 17,666,896 | 19,537,712 |
Due to – from affiliates | 9,976,692 | (11,084,558) |
Inventories of supplies | 23,443,880 | 25,615,327 |
Prepaid expenses and other assets | 10,607,915 | 9,223,323 |
Current portion of assets whose use is limited | – | – |
Total Current Assets | 274,130,588 | 28,277,527 |
Assets whose use is limited | 2018 | 2017 |
Interest in investments held by Endowment, LLC | 275,689,954 | 215,857,884 |
Donor-restricted interest in investments held by Endowment, LLC | 270,769,411 | 221,285,449 |
Investments and other assets | 290,689 | 372,769 |
Investments for restricted purposes | 4,418,665 | 6,981,615 |
Escrow funds for long term debt | – | 8,399,222 |
Funds designated for debt service | 7,640,501 | 8,737,880 |
Investments held by HHCISL | – | – |
558,809,221 | 461,634,819 | |
Funds held in trust by others | 129,076,606 | 122,724,486 |
Interest in investments held by Endowment, LLC | – | – |
Investment in subsidiaries | – | – |
Other assets | 107,300,623 | 76,610,215 |
Property, plant, and equipment, net | 498,521,174 | 494,384,861 |
Total Assets | 1,567,838,211 | 1,384,861,557 |
Liabilities and Net Assets
Year ended 9.30.2018
Current Liabilities | 2018 | 2017 |
Accounts payable | 33,220,771 | 39,556,713 |
Salaries, wages, payroll taxes, and amounts withheld from employees | 39,180,576 | 36,485,807 |
Accrued expenses | 12,673,739 | 10,526,469 |
Estimated third-party settlements | 26,361,571 | 7,244,427 |
Current portion of long-term debt and capital leases | 3,067,997 | 45,686,065 |
Current portion of accrued pension liabilities | 1,334,689 | 1,587,647 |
Current portion of other liabilities | 14,440,059 | 15,629,160 |
Total current liabilities | 130,279,403 | 461,634,819 |
Long-term debt and capital leases | 413,217,490 | 417,734,070 |
Accrued pension liabilities | 153,853,389 | 228,580,220 |
Other liabilities | 66,636,305 | 68,456,800 |
Self insurance liabilities | – | – |
Total liabilities | 763,986,586 | 871,487,379 |
Net Assets | 2018 | 2017 |
Net assets without donor restrictions | 386,800,531 | 154,104,313 |
Net assets with donor restrictions | 417,051,093 | 359,269,866 |
Total liabilities and net assets | 1,567,838,211 | 1,384,861,557 |
Total net assets | 803,851,625 | 513,374,179 |
Year ended 9.30.2018
Gross Patient Service Revenue | 2018 | 2017 |
Inpatient revenue | 1,970,560,519 | 1,811,052,882 |
Outpatient revenue | 1,164,351,455 | 1,053,247,841 |
Professional service revenue | 149,320,486 | 130,967,234 |
3,284,232,460 | 2,995,267,958 | |
Contractual allowances | 2,004,649,099 | 1,844,151,203 |
Bad Debts | 13,112,56 | 12,182,681 |
Charity care | 32,201,630 | 32,401,849 |
2,049,963,295 | 1,888,735,734 | |
Net patient service revenue | 1,234,269,165 | 1,106,532,224 |
2018 | 2017 | |
Other operating revenue | 136,698,991 | 112,943,507 |
Net assets released from restriction | 7,319,582 | 8,355,083 |
Total revenues | 1,378,287,738 | 1,227,830,814 |
Expenses & Operating Income
Year ended 9.30.2018
Operating Expenses | 2018 | 2017 |
Salaries and Fringe | 581,060,963 | 546,418,454 |
Supplies and other | 288,668,517 | 244,540,865 |
Purchased services | 401,537,590 | 334,994,101 |
Depreciation and amortization | 52,443,010 | 47,166,919 |
Provision for non-patient bad debts | 37,488 | 8,178 |
Interest Expense | 16,116,314 | 11,394,617 |
Operating income (loss) | 38,423,854 | 43,307,681 |
Total expenses | 1,339,863,883 | 1,184,523,133 |
Nonoperating income (loss) | 2018 | 2017 |
Income from investments | 22,552,321 | 32,450,567 |
Other | (1,042,949) | (2,230,584) |
21,509,373 | 30,219,983 | |
Operating margin (%) | 2.79% | 3.53% |
Excess (deficiency) of revenues over expense | 59,933,227 | 73,527,664 |