Employee & Teams of the Year

Xenia Caballero
Employee of the Year
Xenia Caballero has made a difference in the lives of countless people through her work in the Transplant Center. Her positive attitude and contagious smile are famous for bringing much-needed comfort to patients, family members and colleagues in our Transplant Center.
Known for sharing her commitment to health and healing far beyond the Hartford Hospital campus, Xenia volunteers her time to many important causes and rallies coworkers to participate in charitable events outside of standard work hours. She constantly supports her peers and creates a culture of gratitude by recognizing them for going above and beyond.
Teams of the Year
Bliss 7 East Throughput Kaizen
Clinical Team of the Year
Every day patients are admitted to the hospital and must get to the right place. What may look simple at first glance is actually quite complex. Staff on our Bliss 7 East unit and beyond set out to make this process better for patients and staff alike. They came up with innovative ideas, made changes to team meetings, and experimented with a new way to assign beds to patients on the unit. Thanks to these positive changes, patients are moving through the hospital more efficiently and going home sooner — back to their lives and their loved ones.
Bed Re-Org Team
Clinical Support Team of the Year
When the Hartford Hospital we know today was built in the 1940s, running out of space was hard to imagine. Yet nearly 80 years later, more space is needed to care for the people we serve. Staff from 18 different departments joined together to make room for additional hospital beds and convert more rooms to private rooms. Over an eight-month period, several spaces were renovated and updated to accommodate units from other parts of the hospital. The number of private rooms increased by 10 percent and 79 percent of beds in our Medicine Department were brought together into a single building for more efficient patient care. Most importantly, more patients told us they were satisfied with their experience after the reorganization was complete.