Facts & Figures

Revenue 2016 2015
Inpatient $36,927,419 $50,950,484
Outpatient $138,189,754 $145,336,113
Total Revenue $175,117,173 $196,286,597
Less Deductions from Revenue 2016 2015
Allowances $102,400,464 $112,015,902
Charity Care $1,466,425 $1,994,173
Net Patient Service Revenue $71,250,284 $82,276,522
Provision for Bad Debts $4,325,446 $4,675,102
Net Patient Service Revenue Less $66,924,838 $77,601,420
Other Operating Revenue $2,823,266 $4,746,422
Total Operating Revenue $69,748,104 $82,365,842
Expenses 2016 2015
Salaries and Benefits $43,153,573 $46,828,118
Medical Supplies,Drugs, Malpractice Insurance Expenses, and Other Expenses $32,794,056 $33,991,113
Depreciation $3,879,948 $4,243,315
Interest $1,785,086 $1,698,978
Total Expenses $81,612,663 $86,761,524
Loss from Operations ($11,864,559) ($4,395,682)
Non-Operating Income ($1,140,890) ($1,156,978)
Excess of Revenue Over Expenses ($13,005,447) ($5,552,660)


Year Ending September 30, 2016

2016 2015
Inpatient Discharges 2,225 2,926
Inpatient Days 8,594 12,249
Average Length of Stay 3.9 4.2
Outpatient Surgical Procedures 3,654 4,893
Emergency Department Visits 33,197 33,912
Imaging Studies and Radiology Treatments 53,365 57,175
Respiratory/Pulmonary Tests And Procedures 19,103 22,781
Cardiac Tests 12,725 14,244
Sleep Studies 537 659
Births 146 212