Increasing Service on the Shoreline

Hartford HealthCare has sought to establish a rich mix of primary care and specialty services for people along the shoreline and southern New London County. These include primary care as well as specialty practices.

By affiliating with a key cardiologist in Westerly, RI, Hartford HealthCare has increased the cardiac services available to shoreline residents and has expanded capabilities of the Hartford HealthCare Heart & Vascular Institute. The Institute also operates two other cardiology sites on the shoreline — in Mystic and Old Lyme.

Neuroscience services expanded with the addition of a new Hartford HealthCare Headache Center in Waterford. The center, part of the Hartford HealthCare Ayer Neuroscience Institute, provides patients with access to a full range of headache services, including imaging, physical therapy and transcranial magnetic stimulation. In addition, the center offers biobehavioral treatment such as biofeedback and cognitive behavior therapy; medication treatments including Botox and nerve blocks, and cutting-edge research. This includes a ground-breaking study with colleagues at Harvard Medical School into status migrainosus, in which patients experience prolonged bouts of migraine lasting three or more consecutive days.

Cancer services have also expanded along the shoreline, through the Hartford HealthCare Cancer Institute and Hartford HealthCare Medical Group. The Waterford office offers a full range of services for patients with cancer, hematologic disorders and breast health concerns. The team includes multilingual practitioners, who speak Spanish, Hindi and Sindi as well as English.

People needing rehabilitation will also find a full range of services in Waterford, including physical therapy and more.

Another vital service that has expanded to meet the growing shoreline demand is a new outpatient surgery center in Waterford, Constitution Surgery East. Many of the system’s specialists will offer outpatient surgery at the convenient location.