Financials & Statement of Operations
September 30 | 2017 | 2016 |
Assets | ||
Current Assets: | ||
Cash and Cash Equivalents | $3,449,190 | $2,378,631 |
Accounts Receivable, Less Allowance | 4,911,338 | 4,361,626 |
Other Receivables | 211,822 | 533,219 |
Due to – from Affiliates | (1,397,048) | (745,948) |
Prepaid Expenses and Other Assets | 144,015 | 247,147 |
Current Portion of Assets Whose Use is Limited | – | 62 |
Total Current Assets | 7,319,317 | 6,774737 |
Other Assets | 37,539 | 66,567 |
Property, Plant, and Equipment, Net | 5,702,812 | 5,736,914 |
Total Assets | 13,059,668 | 12,578,218 |
Liabilities and Net Assets | ||
Current Liabilities | ||
Accounts Payable | 218,363 | 259,810 |
Salaries, Wages, Payroll Taxes, and Amounts Withheld From Employees | 843,106 | 777,705 |
Accrued Expenses | 427,085 | 1,508,039 |
Estimated Third-Party Settlements | 983,222 | 504,658 |
Current Portion of Long Term Debt and Capital Leases | 77,306 | 35,895 |
Total Current Liabilities | 2,549,082 | 3,086,107 |
Long Term Debt, Less Current Portion | 134,870 | 61,664 |
Total Liabilities | 2,683,952 | 3,147,771 |
Net Assets | ||
Unrestricted | 10,268,019 | 9,263,208 |
Temporarily Restricted | 107,697 | 167,239 |
Total Net Assets | 10,375,716 | 9,430,447 |
Total Liabilities and Net Assets | $13,059,668 | $12,578,218 |
Year to Date September 30, 2017 | Actual | Budget |
Net Patient Service Revenue Less Provision for Bad Debts | $20,398,312 | $19,762,031 |
Other Operating Revenue | 11,584,815 | 11,250,559 |
Net Assets Released from Restriction | 115,312 | 49,764 |
Total Revenues | 32,098,439 | 31,062,354 |
Operating Expenses | ||
Salaries and Wages | 18,476,154 | 17,685,593 |
Employee Benefits | 4,634,082 | 4,856,786 |
Supplies and Other | 1,103,090 | 1,541,405 |
Purchased Services | 6,447,614 | 6,146,296 |
Depreciation and Amortization | 576,665 | 606,093 |
Interest Expense | 14,475 | 28,258 |
31,252,080 | 30,683,991 | |
Operating Income / (Loss) | 846,359 | 378,363 |
Non-Operating Income / (Loss) | ||
Income from investments | 158,452 | 89,580 |
Other | – | 258 |
158,452 | 89,838 |
Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues Over Expense | 1,004,811 | 468,201 |