Financials & Statement of Operations

September 30 2017 2016
Current Assets:
Cash and Cash Equivalents $3,449,190 $2,378,631
Accounts Receivable, Less Allowance 4,911,338 4,361,626
Other Receivables 211,822 533,219
Due to – from Affiliates (1,397,048) (745,948)
Prepaid Expenses and Other Assets 144,015 247,147
Current Portion of Assets Whose Use is Limited 62
Total Current Assets 7,319,317 6,774737
Other Assets 37,539 66,567
Property, Plant, and Equipment, Net 5,702,812 5,736,914
Total Assets 13,059,668 12,578,218
Liabilities and Net Assets
Current Liabilities
Accounts Payable 218,363 259,810
Salaries, Wages, Payroll Taxes, and Amounts Withheld From Employees 843,106 777,705
Accrued Expenses 427,085 1,508,039
Estimated Third-Party Settlements 983,222 504,658
Current Portion of Long Term Debt and Capital Leases 77,306 35,895
Total Current Liabilities 2,549,082 3,086,107
Long Term Debt, Less Current Portion 134,870 61,664
Total Liabilities 2,683,952 3,147,771
Net Assets
Unrestricted 10,268,019 9,263,208
Temporarily Restricted 107,697 167,239
Total Net Assets 10,375,716 9,430,447
Total Liabilities and Net Assets $13,059,668 $12,578,218
Year to Date September 30, 2017 Actual Budget
Net Patient Service Revenue Less Provision for Bad Debts $20,398,312 $19,762,031
Other Operating Revenue 11,584,815 11,250,559
Net Assets Released from Restriction 115,312 49,764
Total Revenues 32,098,439 31,062,354
Operating Expenses
Salaries and Wages 18,476,154 17,685,593
Employee Benefits 4,634,082 4,856,786
Supplies and Other 1,103,090 1,541,405
Purchased Services 6,447,614 6,146,296
Depreciation and Amortization 576,665 606,093
Interest Expense 14,475 28,258
31,252,080 30,683,991
Operating Income / (Loss) 846,359 378,363
Non-Operating Income / (Loss)
Income from investments 158,452 89,580
Other 258
158,452 89,838
Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues Over Expense 1,004,811 468,201