Statement of Operations

Year to Date September 30, 2016 Actual Budget
Net Patient Service Revenue Less Provision for Bad Debts $19,762,031 $20,502,287
Other Operating Revenue 11,250,559 11,310,567
Net Assets Released from Restriction 49,764 94,069
Total Revenues 31,062,354 31,906,923
Operating Expenses
Salaries and Wages 17,685,593 18,868,577
Employee Benefits 4,856,786 4,660,639
Supplies and Other 1,360,965 1,541,405
Purchased Services 6,146,296 6,088,240
Depreciation and Amortization 606,093 632,390
Interest Expense 28,258 45,120
Total Expense 30,683,991 31,836,371
Operating Gain / (Loss) 378,363 70,552
Non-Operating Gain / (Loss)
Income from investments 89,580 2,000
Other 258
89,838 2,000
Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues Over Expense 468,201 72,552