An EPIC achievement at IOL
The Institute of Living has been at the forefront of many trends in the field of psychiatry over the years. Add electronic medical records to the list.
The IOL converted to the EPIC EMR in 2016, following many months of hard work and preparation by clinical departments throughout the organization working closely and collaboratively with EPIC specialists who helped with the digital integration of clinical records.
The large number of challenges and details that needed to be addressed to achieve a successful go-live in August meant that many clinical staff members had to spend less time on their everyday patient care responsibilities to receive the training they needed to become familiar with the new system. That meant that other staff members, including organizational leaders, needed to step in and make sure patient care was not impacted before, during or after the conversion.
The goal behind the EMR conversion is to improve the overall experience for patients by making sure there are no gaps in their records as they progress through treatment. EPIC eliminates the need for multiple medical charts and redundant paperwork as patients navigate the healthcare system; and by giving providers easy access to medical history and records, the likelihood of repetitive medical tests and medication errors is greatly reduced.
Natchaug Hospital, Hartford HealthCare Medical Group, Hartford Hospital, MidState Medical Center and Windham Hospital also went live during fiscal year 2016. Plans are in the works to roll out EPIC at all Hartford HealthCare institutions over the next few years.