
Year ended 9.30.2018

Current Assets 2018 2017
Cash and cash equivalents 43,909,783 26,226,254
Interest in investments held by Endowment, LLC 18,589,558 14,169,122
Accounts receivable, less allowances 149,935,863 145,819,996
Other receivables 17,666,896 19,537,712
Due to – from affiliates 9,976,692 (11,084,558)
Inventories of supplies 23,443,880 25,615,327
Prepaid expenses and other assets 10,607,915 9,223,323
Current portion of assets whose use is limited
Total Current Assets 274,130,588 28,277,527
Assets whose use is limited 2018 2017
Interest in investments held by Endowment, LLC 275,689,954 215,857,884
Donor-restricted interest in investments held by Endowment, LLC 270,769,411 221,285,449
Investments and other assets 290,689 372,769
Investments for restricted purposes 4,418,665 6,981,615
Escrow funds for long term debt 8,399,222
Funds designated for debt service 7,640,501 8,737,880
Investments held by HHCISL
558,809,221 461,634,819
Funds held in trust by others 129,076,606 122,724,486
Interest in investments held by Endowment, LLC
Investment in subsidiaries
Other assets 107,300,623 76,610,215
Property, plant, and equipment, net 498,521,174 494,384,861
Total Assets 1,567,838,211 1,384,861,557