
The Hospital of Central Connecticut Financials

Statement of Operations

Year to Date September 2018 Year to Date September 2017
Gross Patient Service Revenue
Inpatient 419,486,944 386,699,263
Outpatient 489,581,836 508,430,498
Professional Service Revenue 61,230,144 35,149,496
970,298,924 930,279,257
Contractual Allowances 597,650,475 577,125,061
Bad Debts 7,640,233 5,497,582
Charity Care 11,040,705 11,280,831
616,331,413 593,903,474
Net Revenues from Services to Patients 353,967,511 336,375,783
Other Operating Revenue 21,091,354 27,067,046
Net Assets Released from Restriction 2,005,422 2,878,404
Total Revenues 377,064,287 366,321,233
Operating Expenses
Salaries and Fringe 171,414,165 176,433,572
Supplies and Others 49,567,844 46,459,854
Purchased Services 123,358,530 114,948,961
Depreciation and Amortization 18,619,811 19,764,923
Rental Expense 2,930,682 3,846,621
Interest Expense 3,163,274 2,582,940
369,054,306 364,036,871
Operating Income (Loss) 8,009,983 2,284,362
Other Income
Income from Investments, Gifts, and Bequests, Net 11,736,238 20,921,561
Other (217,933) 271
11,518,305 20,921,832
Excess of revenues over expenses, before non-controlling interest in joint venture 19,528,288 23,206,194
Less: net income attributable to non-controlling interest in joint venture 344 333,809
Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues Over Expenses 19,528,632 23,540,003
Operating Margin (%) 2.12% 0.62%

MidState Medical Center Financials

Statement of Operations

Year to Date September 2018 Year to Date September 2017
Gross Patient Service Revenue
Inpatient 269,338,525 210,648,967
Outpatient 362,150,341 325,603,269
Professional Service Revenue 19,548,850 18,126,364
651,037,716 554,378,600
Contractual Allowances 390,255,497 333,243,206
Bad Debts 3,889,362 4,784,998
Charity Care 8,869,313 8,137,631
403,014,172 346,165,835
Net Revenues from Services to Patients 248,023,544 208,212,765
Other Operating Revenue 21,598,556 14,408,054
Net Assets Released from Restriction 1,329,226 114,280
Total Revenues 270,951,326 222,735,099
Operating Expenses
Salaries and Fringe 87,042,455 81,895,791
Supplies and Others 55,808,013 43,978,435
Purchased Services 97,789,192 75,209,247
Depreciation and Amortization 11,217,819 10,395,046
Rental Expense 4,616,008 3,986,263
Interest Expense 3,741,274 3,900,374
260,214,761 219,365,156
Operating Income (Loss) 10,736,565 3,369,943
Other Income
Income from Investments, Gifts, and Bequests, Net 8,521,387 16,591,804
Other 0 65,913
8,521,387 16,657,717
Excess of revenues over expenses, before non-controlling interest in joint venture 19,257,952 20,027,660
Less: net income attributable to non-controlling interest in joint venture (71,554) (55,357)
Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues Over Expenses 19,186,398 19,972,303
Operating Margin (%) 3.96% 1.51%

A change in accounting was implemented beginning with FY18 to include the annual investment to Hartford HealthCare Medical Group (HHCMG) for each Hartford HealthCare business entity. For FY18, this amount represents $9,771,821 for The Hospital of Central Connecticut and $10,402,858 for MidState Medical Center. This amount is included in purchased services. FY17 performance does not include the annual investment for HHCMG.